Positive Online Education Project for People Living with HIV
Duration : 6 months / 18 August 2020 – February 2021
Budget : 38,198 TL
Sponsor : Gilead Sciences
Purpose and Target and Method:
After the declaration of Covid-19 as a pandemic, many activities were quickly adopted online. A new project was designed in order not to interrupt the support, information and education activities for those living with HIV, who were greatly affected by Covid-19 during this period.
The project; is aimed at those living with HIV to obtain information about the medical, psychological, legal and social dimensions of HIV. Thus, it aimed to increase their quality of life, and reduce stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV by becoming individuals who know and seek their rights.
With this purpose, they will be able to serve as role models for their peers who are living with HIV but still have not been able to normalize living with HIV. It was also aimed to train people who are okay with their HIV status, and who can provide peer counselling and case follow-up.
The training was planned as 2 rounds (20 sessions). 500 people living with HIV in Turkey were targeted.
The training to be held is designed as 2 rounds and 10 sessions each. It was thought that the sessions held over Zoom would be 40 minutes of presentation + 20 minutes of question and answer, with a maximum of 25 participants in terms of efficiency.
In the first round of the project, 189 people living with HIV were reached. 218 people living with HIV participated in the training in the second round. At the end of 20 sessions, where each session lasted for 2 hours, a total of 2400 minutes of training was provided, with participation from 407 connection points.
According to the feedback we received from many people, the participants stated that they watched the sessions with their spouse or partner. In this context, there were often two participants connected via a Zoom account. Therefore, the total number of participants is more than 407 people.
Turkish Project Report:https://www.kisa.link/QfNj