Creating Awareness Around Preventing Discrimination In Students of Health Care Services
Duration : 5 months / November 2019 – May 2020
Budget : 21,350 TL
Sponsor : Award-winning project from Gilead Sciences / Ideas That Come to Life Support Program
Purpose and Target and Method:
The aim was to refresh the knowledge around HIV and AIDS in students of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing Faculty in Turkey's three big cities, Istanbul-Izmir-Ankara, and to decrease the discrimination to those who live with HIV by increasing the sensitivity of health care workers. Within this project's scope, 1500 students were aimed to be reached in the specified three cities.
Furthermore, a survey was prepared to determine students' knowledge base around HIV and AIDS, specify their approach and behaviour, and see the difference in awareness after the sessions of medical briefing.
Between November 2019- March 2020, 26 seminars were planned to be carried out. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and travel restrictions, only 6 of the planned seminars were successfully done. Due to the same reason, instead of the 1500 anticipated students, we were able to reach 530 students, and among these, a fully matched survey was completed with 490.
Turkish Project Report: