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Yazarın fotoğrafıPOZİTİF İZ

HIV and AIDS Awareness Project in the Media

Duration : 6 months / March - September 2022

Budget : 33,300 TL

Sponsor : Award-winning project from Gilead Sciences / Ideas That Come to Life Support Program

Purpose, Target and Method:

The goal of the project is to ensure that news about HIV, written with correct and non-violent terminology, does not marginalize, is free from hate speech, uses positive images and takes place in the media streams. Thus, it was aimed at those living with HIV, who are sensitive go to the test and reach support services for those who have been diagnosed, increasing the awareness of society about HIV.

Additionally, instead of just mentioning their current medical updates, this project aimed to talk about their stories in the media as well. With that, those people courage to talk about themselves correctly and focus on how they can spread the word through the media.

In the 6-month project planned that 20 health reporters will receive basic training on HIV and AIDS.

Media members invited to the training with a press release were informed online.


Within the scope of the project, 2 training were organized. Invitations were made by both Pozitif-iz Association and the PR agency for training. A total of 10 people attended the training. Specialist health reporter Mesude Erşan, who attended the first workshop, discussed how people living with HIV can have a baby with a 3-part article on

Some of the reporters who attended the workshop made retroactive terminology updates on their sites.

Another important output is; media members do not show interest in HIV and do not participate in its workshops. This is important data in terms of not disseminating current information in the media.

Turkish Project Report:

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